篇名: | PDCA循环管理干预骨科Ⅰ类切口手术围术期抗菌药物预防应用的效果评价 |
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摘要: | 目的:评价PDCA循环管理干预骨科Ⅰ类切口手术围术期抗菌药物预防应用的效果。方法:采用回顾性分析方法,选取我院PDCA循环管理干预前(2013年1-12月,干预前组)512例、第1轮PDCA循环管理干预后(2014年1-12月,第1轮干预组)861例和第2轮PDCA循环管理干预后(2015年1-12月,第2轮干预组)1 070例行骨科Ⅰ类切口手术患者的出院病历,对比分析持续干预前后围术期抗菌药物预防应用情况。结果:经2轮PDCA循环管理干预后,我院骨科内固定术的构成比显著增加,抗菌药物使用率、品种合理率、术前0.5~1 h用药率、疗程合理率和有指征使用抗菌药物的比例分别由干预前的50.20%、98.08%、93.77%、6.61%和82.10%上升至58.41%、100%、99.04%、52.00%和99.04%;预防用抗菌药物的品种由干预前的4种减少到2种,且选用头孢唑啉的比例较干预前显著增加,选用克林霉素的比例显著下降;术后预防用药疗程由干预前的(4.63±2.42)d缩短至(1.61±0.75)d,且用药疗程<24 h和疗程为24~48 h的患者比例显著升高,疗程>72 h的患者比例显著下降,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:PDCA循环管理提高了我院骨科Ⅰ类切口手术围术期抗菌药物预防应用的合理率;但我院预防用抗菌药物的疗程尚未完全控制在24 h以内,有待进一步持续干预。 |
ABSTRACT: | OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of PDCA cycle management on perioperative prophylactic application of antibiotics in typeⅠincision surgery of orthopedics department. METHODS: In retrospective analysis, 512 discharge medical records, 861 ones and 1 070 ones were selected from our hospital before PDCA cycle management (Jan.-Dec. 2013,before intervention group), after first cycle of PDCA cycle management (Jan.-Dec. 2014,first intervention group) and after second cycle of PDCA cycle management (Jan.-Dec. 2015,second intervention group), respectively. The perioperative prophylactic application of antibiotics was analyzed comparatively before and after continuous intervention. RESULTS: After 2 cycles of PDCA cycle management intervention, the constituent ratio of internal fixation in orthopedics department increased significantly; utilization ratio of antibiotics, the rate of rational type, medication ratio 0.5-1 h before surgery, the rate of rational treatment course, the proportion of antibiotics use in accordance with indications increased from 50.20%, 98.08%, 93.77%, 6.61%, 82.10% to 58.41%, 100%, 99.04%, 52.00%, 99.04%, respectively. The number of antibiotics type decreased from 4 to 2; the proportion of cephazolin increased significantly while that of clindamycin decreased significantly compared to before intervention. Postoperative prophylactic medication course decreased from(4.63±2.42)d to(1.61±0.75)d; the proportion of patients with medication course <24 h or ranged 24-48 h increased significantly, while those with medication course>72 h decreased significantly, with statistical significance (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: PDCA cycle management improves the rational rate of perioperative prophylactic application of antibiotics in type Ⅰincision surgery of orthopedics department in our hospital. The prophylactic medication course of our hospital is not yet fully controlled within 24 h so it should be further intervened. |
期刊: | 2017年第28卷第5期 |
作者: | 秦艳娥,钟慧,陈彪,梁颖娥,张慧玲,蒋桂欢,吴军霖 |
AUTHORS: | QIN Yan’e,ZHONG Hui,CHEN Biao,LIANG Ying’e,ZHANG Huiling,JIANG Guihuan,WU Junlin |
关键字: | PDCA循环管理;骨科;Ⅰ类切口手术;围术期;抗菌药物;预防应用 |
KEYWORDS: | PDCA cycle management; Orthopedics department; TypeⅠincision surgery; Perioperative period; Antibiotics; Prophylactic application |
阅读数: | 800 次 |
本月下载数: | 12 次 |
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